Monday, October 30, 2023

Blog Post #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

Marketplace of Ideas & Individual Self-Fulfillment 

 While reviewing the Eight Values of Free Expression, I found that the two that most resonated with me are the Marketplace of Ideas and Individual Self-Fulfillment. The Marketplace of Ideas, also known as the discovery of truth, refers to the belief that the testing of truth or acceptance of ideas depends on the competition with one another, not the opinion of someone in a position of authority. The Marketplace of Ideas is the most prevalent metaphor to justify broad protections of free speech. This value was first suggested by John Milton, who first stated that "when truth and falsehood are present, the truth will always win out." Milton argues against censorship and is in favor of the free flow of ideas.  The Free Speech Center claims that this concept draws on a similarity related to the economic marketplace, where superior products sell better than others through economic competition. People want real authentic products made with purpose and care. Therefore, the economic marketplace uses competition to determine truth and acceptability. This value was expressed during the Reed v. Town of Gilbert case in 2015, where it was stated that when the government disfavors one kind of speech, it places that speech at a disadvantage. 

 I have always believed that telling the truth holds so much value, especially in a world where many are silenced for expressing their ideas and values. An example of this would be the Black Lives Matter movement protests following the death of George Floyd. An article by Charlotte Mecklenberg Library states that many people gathered in cities around the United States to protest against police brutality and racial injustice against Black Americans. Although most protests were peaceful, orders for militarized police were requested on a national level. Police used pepper spray, tear gas, and rubber ammunition which intensified the violence. As a result, several states went under lockdown as a response. On May 13, 2021, an Oklahoma School District banned students from wearing a BLM shirt after sending out a statement saying "politics will not be allowed at school". If a student is not promoting hate or violence towards other people's opinions or beliefs, then they shouldn't be prohibited from wearing certain shirts.

This also ties into one of the next values of free expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment. Founded by Free Speech gives individuals the opportunity to express themselves and create their own identity. This value is also known as Self-Actualization. Additionally, it is an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy. C. Edwin founded this as the Liberty Model, which states that the government can prohibit three types of speech: "Speech involved in an attempt to take of, or physical injury to another person's property, speech not chosen by the speaker, and speech intended to disrespect another person's frame of mind." Practicing free speech is extremely important in our society. There can be exceptions for speech that involves promoting hate and violence to be silenced. I have always been a huge advocator to promoting a positive and safe environment for those around me. Whenever someone says something hurtful to me or to someone else, I always find it beneficial to call that person out, even if it is someone close to me.



Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blog Post #2: The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is known as the highest federal court in the United States. It is the head of the judicial branch of government. Since it was established by the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court has power over all laws within the United States. Additionally, it is responsible for evaluating the constitutionality of those laws. The court is made up of nine justices, with the power to check the actions of the other two branches of government which are the executive branch of the president and the legislative branch of Congress.
As I was reading the overview about the Supreme Court created by the History Channel, I learned that the court justices are appointed for life, even though the Constitution does not specifically state it. They can only be removed by impeachment. There has only been one Supreme Court Justice that has ever been impeached, Samuel Chase in 1805. The Judiciary Act of 1789 was signed into law by President George Washington, specifying that the court would be made up of six justices who would serve on the court until they died or retired. This fact was intriguing to me because that is a huge responsibility and commitment to be a part of to be appointed as a Supreme Court Justice for life. 

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that the Chief Justice is the highest judicial officer in the nation. The chief justice is responsible for being in a position of authority over the Supreme Court as well as setting the agenda for the justices' weekly meetings. The most surprising thing I learned is that the Supreme Court has held a wealth of important cases for the last 200 years. For example, a very heavily controversial case Roe v. Wade (1973), ruled that women have a right to an abortion during the first two trimesters. This case was overturned in June 2022.  Another one is Texas v. Johnson (1989), which found that flag burning and other potentially offensive speech is protected by the First Amendment. 

The video changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court because it explained the significance and power the Supreme Court has, which is not something I thought of or realized prior to reading this article. I knew of the Supreme Court and that it decides many of the laws going into action. However, reading the article helped me enhance my knowledge about the Supreme Court and our system of government. 

Blog Post #1 Top Five Sources of News and Information

In today's day and age, there are a multitude of issues and events happening all around the world every day. With the rise of new technology and social media, we have access to new information right at our fingertips. News media plays a huge role in our society, it has the power to inform, educate, and convince us to take action. The primary goal of news sources is to present issues in a neutral and unbiased manner. Growing up, my family always taught me the importance of staying informed of changing issues and events happening in our world today. Moreover, staying informed helps broaden our perspective and provides us with opportunities to stay engaged with the world around us. 

1. Apple News 

Apple News provides me a convenient opportunity to stay up to date on important news and information every day. The app itself includes news stories from a wide variety of sources to choose from. Such as  Additionally, I get notifications on my phone throughout the day of recent events happening locally and globally. There is even an option to personalize your news feed that compliments your interests and the sources you trust the most. 

2. ABC News

With our world constantly changing, and multiple events happening at once. ABC News provides me with a neutral and unbiased source to inform myself on key issues happening in our world today. If there is an issue I don't understand or want to know more about, ABC News is my go-to. When you first click on the website, you have the option to choose from a variety of trending news topics and sections such as travel, regional news, global news, politics, health, entertainment, sports, business, technology, and food. Furthermore, what stands out to me about this news source is the option to watch the live streams right from your personal device. 

3. TikTok 

Studies show that TikTok as a news source has become more popular, it is proven that 1 in every 10 adults use it as a source to keep up with recent news. The app consists of several short 10-15-second videos ranging from silly topics to full-on news stories. I have found that I learn something new each time I open the app, most importantly, it has given me the opportunity to stay informed on important news topics happening in today's world. Most recently, several videos have shown up on my feed about the Hamas attack on Israel. While it is heartbreaking to see the loss and trauma these communities have experienced, staying informed on the current world has encouraged me to stay educated and to look into what can be done to support these communities. 

4. Instagram

Instagram is another form of social media that is used to gather news information. According to a survey done by Reuters report, it was found that Instagram reaches 11% of people of all ages for news. The survey consisted of results from 12 countries, including Australia. While many would think that the sole purpose of the app is to post pictures with friends. Instagram is also a great opportunity to stay informed as well as share that information with others. Many accounts are dedicated only to news, where they post infographics and provide helpful links to donate to certain communities. What sticks out to me the most about these accounts is that they put an effort into communicating information in a way that is impactful and understandable. 

5. Word of Mouth

One of the most common ways I get my news information is word of mouth. According to the Pew Research Center, it has been reported that 55% of adults get local news and information through friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. Every day, I am constantly being informed by my family and friends of recent events that have happened locally and globally. This has also given me the opportunity to discuss my stance and opinion on certain topics with others.

Blog Post #12: Final Post

Technology plays a huge role in today's society, it is known to be the greatest achievement in all of humanity with all the knowledge yo...